Tuesday, January 11, 2011

My 13 Jan

bler nk story sal 13 jan nie kan.
aq rse cam nk jadi kecik blek~
Anas! bwat malu aq jer..
yg ko print blogger aq tuwh..sal ..tpi x perh ..
aq x marah pown..hi3!
hmm..knp skrng nie aq rse mcm malas jer..huh?
tpi..ble aq tgok seseorng uwh...
aq rse mcm tbe 2 jer rajin..n bahagia..
hmm..tpi tuh rahsia
esok Birthday aq kowt~
so aq x de lah nk me'harpkan ape2
aq just nk hidup aq b'tmbah maju dan baek
yg penting aq ade FRIENSHIPS and keluarga
k..bye x dew mse dh nie..

Friday, January 7, 2011

Hidup Sempurna

nie merupakan azam tahun baru ku sempena tahun 2011~
1.Never give up!
2.Must get A in all subjects
3.Must be workhard,to get nice result
4.dont be too stress
5.Be active n creative in any activity
6.Learn to accept people
7.Be focus and pay attention in class
8.Grab ur dreams.
9.Pray always
10.Get ur freedom man~
11.Smile please
12.Show who u are
13.Take the chances
14.Be The BEST 4 -THEM~

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The character of my best FRIENDSHIPS

Assalamualaikum, ape yg aq tulis kat bwah nie,mrupakan watak rakan karib kuwhh..
so this is it~bace lah

F: faiz,die sorng badk kecik yg menaktkan..die thu bnyk fakta bout 'BLUEss'
   ha3..die lahh kdg2 yg menceriakan hidup aq..

R:harith,thts me..Boring ,NEXT!~

I:Afif, die nie..hyper~kdng 2 salu bwt tarian pelik die tuwh..ha3 kelakar btol die niehh..

E.Haris,his like a kid who love animation..game and sportin'.ho3

N:Amzar Najmi,my homeroom..mcm bdak2 kalo die jalan he3..salu senyum ,gile2 gakk and  'siot jerr'

D:Qadri,seorng yg kelakar ,enjoy,gile2 ,lgi-lgi mse ble bwat muke blerr~ha3!also obses Taylor Swift..

S:Ashh,rakan yg baek hati..love sleep and obses to NARNIA (kisah dongeng)  layann...

H:Haikal,BWP yg pelik..ske bwt kerja yg x penah d'buat orng..klakar,and sportin'

I:Kimy,ceria..gelakannya unik..ha3 ske outin' ! x aci

P:Firdaus,always take the chances,ske ketawa,ske ckp cam bdak2 cmel...ha3! thts cool 

S:Anas,gemar bercrita tntg Narnia dan kisah khayalannya pda waktu  mlm didorm..merpek btol~ cousn NAJAH (katanya)

the beginin' of my life

Assalamulaikum, haish..nie nk cerita sket lah nie..
menjelang 2011 nie..terlalu bnyk cabran yg menmpa aq stelh sthn speti d'kayangan..
Walaubagaimna pown..itu lahhyg d'katakan lumarah dunia..(bak kata amir)
Hidup nie bagaikan Roda,kadangkala kte brada di atas,adaklanya kte d'bawh..
Kte kne terima je lahh, ape yg ditntukan Allah..mungkin itu yg terbaek
Abah aq ckp..'if smthin' tht u ddnt'like whtevr it is..just turn it around ur feeling.
4 the ex: u ddnt like ur clssmate so u just trn ur feelin' to the positif  thng'..
so dngn motivasi ayh aq tuwh...insyaalaah i can starting my new life..thx Abah and x lpe gakk
kpad ausaak kerana telahsignup my new blogger..thx bro,u r my best friend ever!!~